Hello, I'm Simon
Product designer at Get a Newsletter and cofounder of Craftmade. Currently living in Stockholm, Sweden.

Meet Cookbase – The simple way to collect and organize your favourite recipes. I have searched high and low for a decent recipe manager, but all of the current options do way too much. This is my attempt to make a simpler version. Bear in mind – It is still work in progress...

Budget app
A simple budget app I created to expand my knowledge of Javascript and React. Add your income and expenses and get a summary of your personal finances.

Get a Newsletter
I spend my days at Get a Newsletter – an email marketing tool based in Stockholm, Sweden. As the sole designer at the company my days are quite mixed, but you mostly find me coding new components and improving the UX in our React app.

Apart from my day job I run a tiny web agency with my friend Seyamak Arkannia. Our main focus is to help small businesses with their online presence – everything from identity and design to development.